So, yesterday I went to a meeting before church and left Adam and Mike to chill at home and get ready for church. Mike said he put on an animal show on the tube for Adam to watch while he took a "quick shower" and thought that it would keep his attention....I know you mom's of toddlers are already laughing now. When I got home I found them in our bedroom, Mike holding Adam with a strange look on his face patting his legs. "Do you know how he got wet?" Mike asked me as I entered (my thought: uh, I'm the one who just got were the one that was here...why would I know) my response: No, but maybe he got into the tub which is still wet from my shower this morning? As I opened our bathroom door I found the most magnificently decorated toilet...see exhibit A, B, and C. (b.t.w. the door was closed but he knows how to open them now)

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C
I laughed.....a lot, because I knew there was no way I was cleaning that up and Mike couldn't dispute it. Also, I had to admire the creativity of my little mischievous son who was able to accomplish this in such a short time. As you will notice, he didn't just use toilet paper, but also thought to stop by his garbage can in his bedroom and pick up a few dirty diapers to throw in.....HA HA HA HA! Seriously I've been giggling about it the whole time. Maybe I was just in the right mood, but it was great!
Well, later in the day we went to grandma & grandpa's for dinner and as we were talking with friends who had been invited over for dinner we stopped paying close attention to Adam who was supposedly playing in the hallway with toys and our friend's kids. After awhile, Mike went to find Adam....and he did. In the bathroom......standing by the toilet in a pool of water. HA HA HA HA!!!!! I really was in a good mood yesterday. After assessing the situation, we discovered that our little genius had stuffed plenty of toilet paper in the toilet and flushed it, which clogged the toilet....but why stop there? He kept flushing it, and flushing it, and.....well, hence the mini pond. Good thing I have such a good-natured mother-in-law. She just laughed and then was like "oh, I'll clean it up." I wasn't about to let her do that, but as I started to clean it up, she was like "Gina, go sit down I've got it." I'm not about to get in grandma's way, so she cleaned it up and has yet earned her another right into heaven....she truly is the most angelic lady. Two toilets in one day....for a kid who's been pretty good about toilety messes....he sure made up for the time. It's so funny the things that happen in our day because of's great!
The innocent face: